Contoh Kalimat Pasif Tugas Sekolah

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Contoh Kalimat Pasif Tugas Sekolah

Kalimat Pasif Tugas Sekolah. Sebagaimana kita tahu sendiri, kalimat pasif (passive voice) merupakan kalimat yang mana subyek (pelaku) dari kalimat tersebut dikenakan suatu tindakan/pekerjaan. Jadi, kalimat pasif biasanya digunakan untuk menekankan kejadian bukan kepada pelaku dari tindakan. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kalimat pasif dibentuk dengan menambahkan awalan di- atau ter- pada kata kerja. Nah, lalu bagaimana dengan pembentukan kalimat pasif (passive voice) dalam bahasa Inggris? Bagi kalian yang belum tahu atau masih bingung, Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Bola ditendang oleh Andi
Bunga disiram oleh Sinta
Bakso dimakan oleh Andi
Sepeda dibeli oleh Doni, dll.

Contoh Kalimat Pasif Dalam Bentuk Simple Present Tense
Passive Voiced (S + to be + V3 + by…. )
The papers are made by people from trees
A strawberry cake is made by Umi today
A short story is written by Rina
Three articles is written by Rian
The ballis kicked by Dimas
The book is read by Rini
The invitation is rejected by Doni
The door is closed by Rendi
The fried rice was cooked by Fira
The floor is swept by them
The car is driven by her

Lihat artikel lainnya:
Kalimat Aktif tugas sekolah

Contoh Kalimat Pasif Dalam Bentuk Past Tense
Passive Voiced (S + was/were + V3 + by ….)
The ball was kicked by Revan
The meet ball was eaten by Roni
The phone was broken by Dini
The money was stolen by Diana
The rice was cooked by Adel
The window was closed by Deni
The story was written by Rahmat
The manga was painted by him
He was called by her
The music was played by them

Contoh Kalimat Pasif Dalam Bentuk Perfect Tense
Passive Voiced (S + has/have + been + V3 …)
The call has been rejected by her
I have been rejected by her. But i’am still in love
The window has been closed by me
The noodle has been cooked by her
Sha has been called by them
The articles has been written by her
Your application has been accepted by me.
The credit card has been used by me
The message has been sent by me
The ceremony has been prepared  by them

Contoh Kalimat Pasif Dalam Bentuk Past continues
Passive Voiced (S + was/were + being + V3 + by …)
The window was being cleaned by her
The floor was being swept by me when Rini came
The car was being driven by Dini
The guitar was being played by Dimas
The movie was being watched by them
The door was being  closed by her
The noodle was being cooked by Dini when the floor was being swept by me
The document was being written by the teacher
The short story was being written by her
The flowers was being watered by her

Contoh Kalimat Pasif Dalam Bentuk Present Continuous Tense
Passive Voiced (S + am/is/are + being + V3 + by ….)
TV is being watched by me
The grass is being cut by her
Riki is being called by Rita
The door is being closed by Rini
The movie is being watched by Rini and Rika
The guitar is being played by Rahmat
The noodle is being cooked by Diana
The music is being listened by Rendi
A letter is being written by her
The class floor is being cleaned by them