Contoh Pidato Terbaik Bahasa Inggris Tema Stop Bullying

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Contoh Pidato  Terbaik Bahasa Inggris Tema Stop Bullying
Contoh Pidato  Terbaik Bahasa Inggris Tema Stop Bullying. Berikut dibawah ini adalah contoh pidato terbaik menggunakan bahasa inggris dengan judul Stop bullying. Untuk kalian yang kali ini sednag mencari bahan materi untuk berpidato silahkan gunakan contoh pidato selengkapnya berikut ini:
"Contoh Pidato  Terbaik Bahasa Inggris Tema Stop Bullying"
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Berikut contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Stop Bullying
The honorable head master of SMPIT ....
The honorable all teachers of SMPIT......
And Respect to all friends and all students of SMPIT.......

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah SWT, Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this class. And also I don’t forget to deliver sholawat and salam to our prophet  Muhammad SAW, Who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in the right way and we are now live in the light of islam.

The honourable Teacher and my beloved friends
Alright, in this opportunity, I am going to deliver my speech entitled “STOP BULLYING”
Bullying is an act of intimidating, forcing, suppressing or even harassing someone who is considered weaker. Bullying can happen to anyone, even in adults.
They usually throw the words that demean and make someone feel guilty for himself. Usually, the victims of bullying will experience depression and not a few who committed suicide.

Bullying can happen in school, so it is the responsibility of students to protect their classmates and to show everyone the dignity and respect they would like to be treated with. The first line of defense in bullying is in student’s own behavior. But when that fails, it must be brought to the attention of someone in authority, like a teacher. The concept of someone in authority failing to address the problem is simply not acceptable. This is why you must speak to a teacher you trust and know will do something to stop the bullying.

Bullying is happening everywhere, even at your own school. You may not see it, you may not know it is there, but it is happening and it causes unimaginable pain to the victims. The only way to end bullying is to talk about it openly rather than making it a taboo issue. If someone is hurting another person, they will not stop unless someone (either a fellow classmate or someone in authority) stands up for the victim and tells their tormentor to stop. Bullying is everyone’s problem; therefore everyone has to be part of the solution

The point is victims of bullying cannot be silent and surrender yourself, it will aggravate the situation
The Conclusion in My Speech is  Stop Bullying ! Maybe it’s time for my finish , I’m sorry if i say a bad words and Thank You For your attention
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Contoh Pidato  Terbaik Bahasa Inggris Tema Stop Bullying. Silahkan kalian gunakan contoh pidato yang kami berikan diatas sebagai bahan referensi untuk tugas pidato kalian. Atau kalian juga dapat mengunjungi contoh pidato bahasa inggris lainnya melalui link yang telah kami berikan diatas postingan.