Contoh Pidato B.Inggris Tema Sholat

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Contoh Pidato B.Inggris Tema Sholat
Contoh Pidato B.Inggris Tema Sholat. Dalam kesempatan yang baik ini admin akan membagikan contoh pidato berbahasa Inggris tentang sholat, nah bagi kalian semua yang kali ini sedang mencari dan membutuhkannya silahkan copy paste contoh pidato dengan tema sholat berikut dibawah ini, bagikan link ini kepada teman dan sahabat kalian jika mereka membutuhkannya, kalian juga dapat menemukan contoh pidato berbahasa inggris lainnya di situs ini melalui tautan yang telah kami sediakan pada tengah postingan untuk lebih lengkapnya silahkan simak berikut ini;
Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema  Sholat
By Irma Ravika Saputri
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah hirabbil ‘alamin washolatu washala mu’ala ashrafil ambiya iwal mushalin wa’ala alihi waashabihi rasulillahi ajma’il ammaba’du.
First and foremost let us give thanks to God Almighty who has given grace and gifts so that we can gather that we love this place.
Good morning friends
Shalawat hand in hand, do not forget to also regards we gave to our great prophet is the prophet Muhammad, who had changed the times of the times of ignorance to a time of science and knowledge as it is today.
In order not to extend mukhodimah words, just to my speech entitled PRAYER.
Prayer is the pillar of religion, melecehkanya means undermining religion, and otherwise enforce means to uphold religion. Among other important values ??pray this prayer command directly from Allah, to His Messenger Saw without intermediaries.
As we know the pillars of islam prayer, so prayer is obligatory. The meaning of prayer is a job that starts and ends with ikhram takbiratul greetings.

We must perform ablutions before prayer and purification, and improve conditions for prayers that we already know. When prayers while we must enhance the pillars of prayer. When we pray must work fervently in prayer, because we’re turning to God, and do not turn away in prayers, according to Yazid ar-Raqqasyi said that “people who would not turn his face in prayer to worry that Allah will turn it into the face of a donkey? “

As for how to do the prayer, we can do it in congregation, or on their own. For higher reward of congregational prayer alone, in accordance word of the prophet “congregation prayer is more important than prayer alone, as many as twenty-seven levels.” In prayer performed in congregation at least two people, one a priest and the congregation, if we late in the prayer congregation automatic cycles we’ve become Masbuk, and shall replace the earlier cycles are missed, Dangan way when priests were greeting then we stand to work on the cycles again.
Therefore let us pray five times a day, and it is good we spell it in congregation.
That’s all I can say wabilahitaufik walhidayah wassaslamu’alaikum wr wb.

Contoh Pidato B.Inggris Tema Sholat. Demikanlah jumpa kita kali ini semoga apa yang admin hadirkan bermanfaat dan menjadi referensi bagi kalian untuk selalu berkunjung di situs ini, selalu kunjungi sirtus ini untuk mendapatkan update terbaru seputar pidato berbahasa inggris yang akan admin update setiap minggunya terimakasih.