Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Hari Kesehatan Nasional
Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Hari Kesehatan Nasional. Selamat pagi di kesempatan ini seperti judul artikel diatas kami akan memberikan contoh pidato terbaik dengan tema hari kesehatan nasional, nah untuk kalian yang saat ini sedang mencari materi pidato dengan tema hari kesehatan nasional behasa inggris dapat menggunakan pidato dibawah ini:
Berikut contoh pidato Hari Kesehatan Nasional Bahasa Inggris
Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb
I respect the supervisor of english.
And i love my friends.
Let us say our praise and gratutide to Allah SWT, so that we
are given the opportunity to undergo the usual activities. Shalawat sequential greeting us not forget to also send it
to our great prophet Muhammad Saw, the prophet who had brought us from the
times of ignorance to wards the full age of technology, as we feel at this
time. Well on this occasion i will deliver a speech on the theme
of National Health Day.
All my friends
Healthy is a wonderful gift from god. Healthy also something
that is very expensive. People said to be healthy if it meet the criteria that
is physically and mentally healthy. People who have healthy physical sure he
feels proud because he can do whatever activities he likes.
To keep our bodies to stay healthy we should also consume
foods that are healthy and nutritios and balanced with regular exercise. People
who have healthy lifestyles usually tend to avoid the risk of diaseases such as
obesity and diabetes.
All my friends
Who would not want to be healthy? Certainly not everyone
want to be healthy!! Therefore in commemorating this national health. I would
like to invite all my friends from now get used to maintain healthy and a
healthy lifestyle so that we a void a very expensive disease treatment costs.
All my friends
I think enough of my speech on this occasion maybe useful,
and less i apologize, thank you for your attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb
Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Hari Kesehatan Nasional, Sekian yang dapat kami hadirkan kali ini semoga dapat berguna juga bermanfaat khususnya untu kalian yang sedang membutuhkannya.